• Langeage CHINA
  • Langeage Taiwan
  • Langeage

Solutions-Department Store

Shopping Malls Traffic Flow Control

Occupancy Control and Business Analysis

In order to protect citizen safety in public spaces, Taipei city government has announced 「Regulations governing occupancy in particular occasions in Taipei city」, mainly for regulating venues like ballroom, dance hall, restaurant, pub, wine shop, karaoke, department stores with floor area exceed five thousand square meters, supermarkets and temporary indoor exhibition and performance venues. Infrared and microwave counter were commonly applied for people counting before, but because of their low accuracy, they are not able to provide precise conversion rate or window conversion rate for reference guideline on improving sales performance.

Now with rapid technology development, the people counter combining with CCTV has been available for many years, it's recommended for all the business owners who intend to update devices and prevent violation on the regulations because of false occupancy numbers, furthermore to generate competitive sales performance, in the end achieving the purpose of business analysis.

Short-Term and Long-Term Prospects of Business Analysis

eCAF Tech 2D People Counter specialized in offering precise footfall numbers for business owner's references on four accurate analysis. Potential customer estimation by daily people counts, incorporating floor plans and structural design to integrate people counts and path analysis to satisfy customer's long-term prospects of overall business analytics. An expert of business analysis said the keys to perfect sales practices is to obtain following 4 figures : Traffic flow outside stores, incoming traffic, visitor path inside stores, most popular isles.